
分会秘书处北京师范大学生命科学学院 张雁云/100875 Tel:010-58808998;Fax:010-58807720 Email:china_cos@126.com

2014年8月18-24日,由国际鸟类学委员会(IOC)主办,日本鸟类协会(OSJ)和日本立教大学(Rikkyo University)承办的“第26届国际鸟类学大会”在日本东京的立教大学举行。来自全世界63个国家的1134位代表参加了会议。参加本次会议的中国大陆代表有30余人,港台代表近30人。

本次大会的学术交流分为10个大会报告(Plenary)、45组225个专题报告(Symposia)、32组160个口头报告(Oral)、500个墙报(Poster)、18个圆桌会议(Round Table),具体的会议报告等详细见(program book 3.5M)


1)Unravelling migration: routes to genes,by Franz Bairlein (Institute of Avian Research, Germany; Presidential address)

2)Evolution of song complexity in Bengalese finches might mirror the emergence of human language,by Kazuo Okanoya (The University of Tokyo / RIKEN , Japan)

3)Beyond the long list, or four things we (should) know about bird invasions,by Tim Blackburn (Zoological Society of London, UK)

4)Return to the Malay Archipelago: the biogeography of Bornean birds,by Frederick H. Sheldon (Louisiana State University, USA)

5)Resource selection by parrots: challenges to identifying limiting factors,by Katherine Renton (Instituto de Biología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico)

6)Perspectives on the functional design of the avian respiratory system, by John N. Maina (University of Johannesburg, South Africa)

7)The Paleontology of Now: Hawaii’s birds in the Anthropocene, by Helen James (Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, USA)

8)The East Asian Flyway - waterbirds in trouble, by Cao Lei (Research Centre for Eco-Environmental Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)

9)Speciation in seabirds: why are there so many species....and why aren’t there more? by Vicki Friesen (Queen's University, Canada)

10)Conservation and monitoring of birds: a decision science approach,by Hugh Possingham (The University of Queensland, Australia).






