Call for application to the Asian Waterbird Conservation Fund

分会秘书处:北京师范大学生命科学学院 张正旺/100875 Tel:010-58809666;Fax:010-58808998

The 'Asian Waterbird Conservation Fund' has been established to provide financial support to projects at site of importance for migratory waterbirds in the East Asia - Australasian Flyway.

The goal of the Fund is to support projects on the ground in Asia that will lead to the conservation or protection of migratory waterbirds and their wetland habitats in the EAAF, particularly through partnership with the local community at the site.

The Fund is administered by WWF Hong Kong. At present, the maximum amount that can be applied for each project shall not exceed US$5,000. Seventeen projects have been funded since the first round of application in June 2006. You may visit our website for details.

There will be a single call for applications to the Fund each year. The deadline for 2012 annual application is 31 October 2012. For application form and further information, please check or contact the AWCF Secretariat by e-mail