第七届国际虱目大会在广州成功召开/The 7th International Conference of Phthiraptera (ICP7)was held in Guangzhou

分会秘书长:北京林业大学生态与自然保护学院 丁长青/100083, Tel 010-62336869, Email:cqding@bjfu.edu.cn

        为期四天的会议议程,包含了3个主题演讲、9个专题的29个口头报告和11份墙报展示,就人类头虱这一主题举行了三次圆桌讨论。来自美国夏威夷太平洋大学的Mikinley Weaver和广东省科学院动物研究所的Mengjiao Ren(任梦娇)分别获得学生口头报告一等奖和二等奖,来自捷克布尔诺兽医与药物科学大学的Marek Schneider和布宜诺斯艾利斯大学的Gabriela Attonaty分别获得学生墙报展示一等奖和二等奖。通过此次会议的举办,加强了国内和国际虱目研究者之间的交流,深入促进了国内羽虱分类、协同进化和人虱传播疾病防控等相关研究的发展,进一步丰富完善了IUCN红色名录。大会决定下一届国际虱目大会将在法国马赛举行。
        李定强副院长指出:此次国际会议的成功举办,表明广东省科学院的动物学、环境科学与生态学的学科优势,以及动研所在动物学和生态学方面取得的成绩;也彰显了广东省科学院和动研所引进外籍专家取得了成功,尤其是Daniel Gustafsson博士自从2017年8月引进到邹发生研究员的团队后、在羽虱目分类研究中表现突出,并且获得了广东省珠江青年拔尖人才称号。张正旺教授回顾了羽虱在中国的研究历史、称赞广东省科学院动物研究所的专家对羽虱的多样性和发育进化进行了更加深入的研究,寄语中国鸟类学同仁,广开思路、丰富中国的鸟类学研究。



The 7th International Conference of Phthiraptera (ICP7) was held on July 10-14, 2023 in Guangzhou, China. ICP7 was organized by the International Society of Phthirapterists (ISoP) and hosted by the Institute of Zoology, Guangdong Academy of Sciences. The conference was held online and 92 people from 28 countries participated. The opening ceremony was held in person at the Institute of Zoology, Guangdong Academy of Sciences, as well as broadcasted online. Opening addresses were given by Dingqiang Li, Vice President of Guangdong Academy of Sciences, Jinping Chen, Head of the Institute of Zoology, Guangdong Academy of Sciences, and Zhengwang Zhang, Chairman of the China Ornithological Society.

Phthiraptera also known as lice, belongs to Arthropoda, Insecta, and are divided into 4 suborders: Anoplura, Amblycera, Ischnocera and Rhynchophthirina. Anoplura are sucking lice, while the other three suborders are chewing lice. Amblycera and Ischnocera mainly parasitize birds (feather lice), but Anoplura and Rhynchophthirina mainly parasitize mammals. At present, there are approximately 500 species of Anoplura, 1,173 species of Amblycera, 2,737 species of Ischnocera and 3 species of Rhynchophthirina lice known. Feather lice are small (0.5-10 mm), wingless, and rely on direct contact between hosts to disperse. Moreover, most lice are host-specific, spending their whole life on their host and can survive at most 2-3 days after being separated from their host. Therefore, it is very common and promising to study the co-evolution of lice and their hosts.
The four-day program included three keynote presentations, 29 oral presentations on nine topics and 11 poster presentations, and three roundtable discussions on the topic of human head lice. Mikinley Weaver from Hawaii Pacific University and Mengjiao Ren from Institute of Zoology, Guangdong Academy of Sciences won the first and second prizes for student oral presentations, respectively, and Marek Schneider from University of Veterinary Sciences and Gabriela Attonaty from Universidad de Buenos Aires won first and second prizes for student poster presentations, respectively. The conference strengthened the communication between domestic and international lice researchers, promoted the development of domestic lice classification, co-evolution and prevention and control of human lice-borne diseases, and further enriched and improved the IUCN Red List. It was decided that the next International Conference of Phthiraptera will be held in Marseille, France.

Vice President Dingqiang Li pointed out that the success of this international conference demonstrated the strengths of the Guangdong Academy of Sciences in zoology, environmental science and ecology, as well as the achievements of Zoology and Ecology in the Institute of Zoology. This showed that the success of the Guangdong Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Zoology in the introduction of foreign experts too, in particular, Dr. Daniel Gustafsson, who was introduced to the team of Professor Fasheng Zou in August 2017, has performed outstandingly in lice classification, and has been awarded the title of Pearl River Young Leading Talent. Prof. Zhengwang Zhang reviewed the history of chewing lice research in China, praised the experts from the Institute of Zoology, Guangdong Academy of Sciences for their in-depth research on the diversity and developmental evolution of lice, and urged Chinese ornithological colleagues to broaden their ideas and enrich ornithological research in China.
广东省科学院动物研究所  任梦娇、邹发生和Alexandra Grossi供稿
Report from Mengjiao Ren, Fasheng Zou and Alexandra Grossi in Institute of Zoology, Guangdong Academy of Sciences.